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Dealing With Hair Loss After COVID

In a world where it seems that COVID may be easing up in Toronto, a lot of us are left with lingering questions as restrictions ease and places open back up, like what about my hair loss after COVID? You aren’t alone, a lot of Canadians have been wondering about hair loss after COVID and what to do about it. Here at CADMEN Clinic, we specialize in helping men regain their confidence, and that includes dealing with early hair thinning and hair loss. There are several ways to naturally regrow hair after extensive shedding and to reduce further hair loss in the future, let’s take a look at some of them down below.

Get More Sleep

Though most don’t get enough of it, sleep is extremely beneficial for several processes that go on in the human body, including ones that impact hair growth and hair loss. It can be hard to squeeze in the extra hours of sleep that the body needs, especially with screens everywhere. Did you know the average man needs 7 or more hours of sleep a night, and most men are not hitting that target? Sleep issues are one of the most common problems facing people in the modern world, with over ⅓ of Americans regularly reporting getting less than 7 hours of sleep. This can play a huge role in hair loss, as men are losing hair at younger ages, and stress, lack of sleep are becoming more serious at younger ages too. Here are some helpful tips to help you catch more Zzz’s.

  • Herbal tea. Herbal tea is known to have calming and relaxing effects, some teas that are soothing before bed include chamomile. Herbal teas such as chamomile, ginger, and peppermint contain no caffeine at all. This is because these types of teas are not made from the camellia Sinensis plant as most teas. They are made instead from dried flowers, leaves, seeds, or roots that are generally caffeine-free. Green tea is made from camellia Sinensis and thus is not an herbal tea to drink before bed but rather in the morning, such as matcha.
  • Limit screen time before bed. Bluelight can disrupt the natural rhythm of your sleep, it is best to try and avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed. Instead, try reading a book or listening to calming music. You can make sure to enable Night Shift mode on your phone for a few hours before you sleep. Blue light has been proven to deteriorate your sleep quality. By enabling the Night Shift mode, your phone's screen will turn more orange-ish, helping eliminate the blue light.
  • Get some sun. Our circadian rhythm is a major factor in the length and quality of sleep that you can get. Exposing your eyes to sunlight, and getting out during the day is important for your body to help recognize the time and be in sync with the patterns of day and night.
  • Sleep is vital for many functions of the body

    Reduce Stress

    Stress has been coined the silent killer of our generation, wreaking havoc on the human mind, body, and spirit. There are two different types of stress, known as eustress, the good stress, and distress, the bad stress that can lead to hair loss. Stress increases the production of the hormone cortisol, in small amounts, and at low doses, cortisol is useful for people as an adrenal response so they can escape dangerous situations. However, as a result of the pressure of our modern society, many people are struggling with high cortisol levels that can have negative impacts on the body including acne and weight gain. Additionally, it can cause hair to remain in the resting phase of the growth cycle so that new hair is not growing in the follicle, eventually, hair begins to fall out more easily, such as when brushing or washing it, also known as hair shedding. This is known as telogen effluvium and is hair loss induced and caused by abnormally persistent and high-stress levels, which can also be impacted by hormones in the body. If you are suffering from extreme stress try some of these restful practices to catch your breath.

  • Meditation: Even just 2 minutes of meditation can reduce the heart rate, slow breathing, and put the nervous system at ease.
  • Exercise: Getting just 30 minutes of physical activity a day has been shown to aid with sleeping patterns including falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Take a break in nature. Spending even just a few minutes in a local park or green space can help you de-stress, reconnect and unwind when you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Try Out Some Treatments

    When other options are failing, natural treatments and procedures are always a great way to go when it comes to combating hair loss after COVID. Stress and lack of sleep have been a problem people have been dealing with for a long time, but the effects of COVID have exacerbated them, with people spending less time exercising and feeling higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression than ever before. Luckily there are some treatments such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) that can combat hair loss.

    PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a non-surgical procedure that uses plasma from your blood to boost hair growth in the areas most affected by hair thinning or early hair loss. PRP is natural, as it uses your plasma, and is effective for those who have just experienced early hair thinning because there are still hair follicles in the scalp. If you would like to learn more about PRP Hair Loss Treatment at CADMEN Clinic you can click HERE.

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